viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

The Street luge

The Street luge  

The Street luge is an inertial sport. If you want to practice this sport you have to buy a special asphalt sled and different things to protect your body like helmet, gloves, shoes and leathers. The people who practice that sport can achieve 130 km/h in a long hill. That sport was born in an evolution of long 

board during the boom of the skate in the 70’s.Long board is a sport that uses a board to go down a long hill but standing when the people discovered that, they could achieve more velocity when they were lying, they modify their skateboards. Years later this sport got in the Xgames, and with this it became popular in many countries, like Australia, where today are the biggest group to organize championships and training programs. The most famous street luge guy who practice this, is named Tyler Johnson.

Normally the people who wants to practice this, can design their own boards because they can adjust the board to their body and make different things to make it more comfortable, but they can consider the other option it’s pay round USD $2000 and send your basic corporal information to the manufactured and wait a lot of time to start the practice.

Santiago Gómez Acosta
skills 3 

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